"This 'users are idiots, and are confused by functionality' mentality is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it." -Linus

What we need in 3D modeling softwares

In order for 3D printing to become more mainstream, materials, price, and modeling software all need to improve. At Mixee Me, our primary focus is on the software piece.

There are options like Google Sketchup and TinkerCAD. But though they have more usable interfaces than traditional modeling software, they still rely on the same concepts like layers, coordinates, polygon booleaning. They are more usable through simplification.

We don't think that is going to drastically help mainstream adoption of 3D printing. Think about it. Even if there was a simplified version of HTML, a smart, non technical person (like my mom) is not going to code a blog. She will probably just use Tumblr instead.

We need to create software that does not primarily rely on traditional modeling concepts dressed in friendlier interfaces, but software that is as easy to use as picking a template on Tumblr. It is tempting to make software more user friendly through simplification, but we need to do more if we want to revolutionize this space.