"This 'users are idiots, and are confused by functionality' mentality is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it." -Linus

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    Learn foreign languages by reading what interests you.

    Read your favorite sites, blogs, and Wikipedia articles in your target foreign language. Get instant help on the difficult vocab, and play with review tools to study and master your vocab! 

    Great for business folks, language enthusiasts and students studying for the AP Foreign Language tests (particularly AP French and AP Spanish), and everything in between!



    Founded in 2012, Mixee.TV allows you to orchestrate the web as you see fit. We enable you to pull videos from YouTube, and images from the Internets to remix and craft your own video. We're a fortune five billion company based in a one bedroom NYC apartment.

    We believe that creation should be fun, quick, and simple; because we are just too lazy to deal with anything that takes time and is complicated.

    We believe that anybody should be able to remix, without the hassle of downloading complex software packages that costs thousands of dollars and scour for content that's right there in your search bar.