"This 'users are idiots, and are confused by functionality' mentality is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it." -Linus


Search what interests you. Define words that are unfamiliar. Review your vocab. ​

Search what interests you. Define words that are unfamiliar. Review your vocab. ​

We believe that the best way to learn a new language is by doing what is natural to your daily habits, and let learning occur as a by product.

With PolyLit, you can read what interests you. We are designing a product that makes it fun and productive to read, so you can be entertained and stimulated while also learning a new language. Currently, you can search articles in French Wikipedia, or install the Bookmarklet to read whatever you'd like. We take your reading patterns and generate flashcards for you to review your unfamiliar vocabulary (and soon, other study & analytics tools). This is ideal for students, AP prep, language enthusiasts, and business people who want to brush up vocab in a particular area.